Friday, May 11, 2018

Shifting behavior after long period of stagnancy and atrophy

Paralyzed by anxiety of walking is how I’ve spent much of the past several months, if not year. That being said, the 1,365-step walk I just took with the dogs is a demonstration of progress. Any walking that gets me out the door for its own ends – and not to run errands or go to work or whatever – is a feat for me these days. So kudos me.

I swear I meant to train Smidge on outdoor peeing and pooping, but she’d spent so long with the piddle pad at her first home that I got lazy after the first few times of taking her on long walks with her only to pee and poop on the piddle pad the moment we got home. I have found that speed helps get her bowels working, thought. The faster I go and the more takeaways I do – meaning, not letting her sniff endlessly at every bush and sidewalk crag – the more likely she is to excavate and urinate. 

Good fun.

Last week, I got a free trial of HBO, and of course now, a week later, I’m balls deep in at least three of their series’. Maybe I’ll just get caught up this month and then cancel on the 11th of June. That sounds good. That’s when the busy season at work kicks off and we go back to a Sunday to Thursday schedule.

ACTION: Tomorrow morning I am aiming to walk the dogs in the loop around the building before leaving for work. This means I’ll have to begin our walk no later than 6 a.m. The only way to make this happen is to complete all laundry, food prep, and washing up before going to bed this evening.

NOTE: It's been a while since I blogged here. It's sad to report I've had some big setbacks and my way of thinking got stuck in a rut that led me to major backtracking with my healthy lifestyle. The struggle at this point is very real. If you choose to follow this blog, you may notice go back to the original title at some point - The Fitness 400 Project - because had I remembered the core trajectory of the project when started nearly a decade ago, was to overcome obesity and never again return to a 400-pound body. While I have gained significant weight, the aim of the project remains. I'm in charge of this body and its journey as long as I may live.

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