Friday, August 9, 2024

GenX meets GenZ in a cafe and it goes something like this

Can you even believe that I’m 53 years old today? I don't look as old as I am, though. I mean, look at my face. See? Not a day over 32. (See pic below and laugh.)

Sure, I’m bald and gray, and my crow’s feet have crow’s feet. But with this baby face I can pull 30's.

Not. Nope. Not even in fantasy land.

Don't worry. I'm not as delusional as all that. I look at least my age if not older. But anyway...

Had a scone, but came in for a muffin;

I went to a local cafĂ© today for a birthday muffin, and it was quiet, so I thought I’d ask the person behind the counter a few questions. Here’s how it went. I’m the GenXer, so I’m pretty sure that’s what I said, obviously. The lines of the GenZeder, though, are fictionalized to protect all involved. 

GenXer: Hello, are you the manager?

GenZeder: No, just work here.

GenXer: But you’re over there and look like you’re managing things. I mean to me you’re doing all the merchandising and stuff, so you’re definitely essential here.

GenZeder: I’m doing the inventory and the inventory, well, it’s not adding up.

GenXer: Aren’t you supposed to say, “The inventory isn’t inventorying”?

GenZeder: Well, I was going to, but…

GenXer: So what you’re saying is that it’s not giving?

GenZeder: Slay

GenXer: Honey, always.

(Like I said, fictionalized for my enjoyment.)

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